Social Awareness
2 Seasons
Here you can access our content by topic or by CASEL's programming. HeartSmart's Curriculum is cross-referenced with the 5 CASEL Core Competencies. However we organize our lesson progression differently, which is why some of our lessons below appear out of order.
06:09Episode 1
Facebook vs. Fakebook
Episode 1
Can a robot have a Facebook?... In this lesson, Dave and Boris explore the world of social media vs the real world. Boris talks about the depression that can come from comparing oneself to others especially on Instagram! Dave leads Boris through gratefulness exercises, which focus him into joy an...
08:48Episode 2
The Rights of Robots
Episode 2
Robots have rights ... In this lesson Dave and Boris discover that with rights comes responsibility. In this lesson children will learn the benefit of serving others in their environment. Students will learn that with privilege comes an invitation to serve.
Materials Required: pencil and paper (...
05:33Episode 3
No Two Robots Are the Same
Episode 3
HeartSmart DISC Quiz: is unique! In this lesson Dave and Boris introduce the DISC profile personality test and explore how understating our strengths and weaknesses can help us be more HeartSmart. Knowing what we are like ...
08:14Episode 4
Boris and the Speed Limit
Episode 4
Boris, why do some people act weird... In this lesson Dave and Boris explore how to develop empathy and compassion especially for children who are bullied. Dave shows students how to stand up against bullying.
Materials Required: pencil and paper
Age Group: Late Elementary/KS2
This lesson cro...
Open Arms
Episode 5
Boris's arms are always open... and that's because robots can't cross their arms. In this lesson Dave and Boris talk about opening up to the people around you. Boris learns about all the connections we share, and he discovers that the more you open your arms and let people in, the more the world ...