Don't Forget to Let Love in! 2
Archived Films (2016)
2m 10s
Boris' sometimes forgets... In this lesson Boris discovers that just because he is made from junk, it doesn't mean that he is junk.
Watch the video and ask the kids to list as many amazing things about themselves as they can. The children could list things they know to be true for themselves or things other people have said about them. Give them a minute to do this. When the time is up, ask the children to share their list with the group.
This is RHE:
RR4 : Respectful Relationships - the importance of self-respect and how this links to their own happiness.
MM1 : Mental Wellbeing - that mental well being is a normal part of daily life.
Up Next in Archived Films (2016)
Don't Forget to Let Love in! Extra Film
Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy! 1
Boris' body parts... In this lesson Dave and Boris explore when it's right to talk about yourself and when it's time to listen to others. A tricky balance!
Watch the video and ask the children:
• What do you think now? Is it better to give or get?
• Have your answers changed after watching the f... -
Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy! 2
Showing love to others... In this lesson Dave and Boris discover how showing kindness to other people can make you happy, including an 'unselfy' challenge!
Watch the video and ask the children:
• How did Ollie show love for his sister?
• How do you think Ollie’s actions made his sister feel?
• ...