Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy! 1
Archived Films (2016)
5m 11s
Boris' body parts... In this lesson Dave and Boris explore when it's right to talk about yourself and when it's time to listen to others. A tricky balance!
Watch the video and ask the children:
• What do you think now? Is it better to give or get?
• Have your answers changed after watching the film?
• Why is it better to give? (seeing we have made someone happy is a gift to us as well!)
This is RHE:
CF2 : Caring Friendships - the characteristics of friendships, sharing interests and experiences.
CF3 : Caring Friendships - that healthy relationships are positive and welcoming towards others.
Up Next in Archived Films (2016)
Too Much Selfie isn't Healthy! 2
Showing love to others... In this lesson Dave and Boris discover how showing kindness to other people can make you happy, including an 'unselfy' challenge!
Watch the video and ask the children:
• How did Ollie show love for his sister?
• How do you think Ollie’s actions made his sister feel?
• ... -
Don't Hold On to What's Wrong! 1
Boris has no one to make slime with ... In this lesson Dave and Boris explore forgiveness and basic restorative practice.
This is RHE:
CF4: Caring Friendships - that most friendships have ups and downs, and that these can often be worked through so that the friendship is repaired or even stren...