Fake is a Mistake!
Teacher Training
6m 50s
Discuss the following questions with a colleague:
Do you agree with the statement that truth and love go together?
Why is not having the courage or skillset to tell the truth a problem?
What can we do to create a culture where children are more likely to tell the truth?
What can you do to increase the open area (referring to the Johari window) in your classroom this week?
What are some lies that shame whispers?
Can you think of any children in your class that especially battle with shame?
Why is understanding the message, ‘you are enough’ important for resilience and character?
Why is having the courage to be appropriately vulnerable in our friendships important?
Up Next in Teacher Training
No Way Through isn't True!
Discuss the following questions with a colleague:
Why is it important to first affirm our students with the message that they are loved before they can develop resilience? Why this order?
Why does sensitizing the brain to possibility and a ‘can do attitude’ lead one towards a lifestyle of overcom...