Year 6 - Films

Year 6 - Films

5 Seasons

These films are complete video lessons for you to use as an exciting add-on to the Written Curriculum. They require no teacher prep time and need only a pen and paper. Use the above search button to locate video lessons with your desired RHE objective or topic.

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Year 6 - Films
  • HeartSmart Values

    1.45 MB

  • The Rights of Robots

    Episode 1

    Robots have rights ... In this lesson Dave and Boris discover that with rights comes responsibility. In this lesson children will learn the benefit of serving others in their environment. Students will learn that with privilege comes an invitation to serve.

    Materials Required: pencil and paper (...

  • The Social Media Universe

    Episode 2

    Boris takes too many selfies... Dave and Boris discuss screen time limit, and how to navigate through the world of social media - how it affects us. Dave shows Boris that saying no to something can actually be saying yes to something else. In this lesson children will learn to take agency over th...

  • How Many Robots...

    Episode 3

    How many robots does it take to change a lightbulb? ... depends on the lightbulb. In this video lesson Dave and Boris learn some practical tools about how to spread love to people who are hurting. Dave explains that people are like lightbulbs; sometimes lightbulbs are tricky and hard to fix, othe...