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HeartSmart High Five
5m 7s
Here at HeartSmart, our curriculum is delivered as a Children’s TV show that instills children with love for self and others, and fully delivers the CASEL Core Competencies. The Five Core Values: Don’t Forget to Let Love In, Too Much Selfie Isn’t Healthy, Don’t Hold On to What’s Wrong, Fake is a Mistake, and No Way Through Isn’t True!
We invite you to watch this introduction as Dave explains the High Five!
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The Boris Story
We would love to introduce you to Boris the Robot!
Boris was built from old gears and cogs and other unwanted bits and bobs. He was lovingly made by Amber and Josh who invite Boris to live with them.
So why does Boris sometimes still hear the Scrapman's song calling to him 'Junk is junk, it's ...