How many robots does it take to change a lightbulb? ... depends on the lightbulb. In this video lesson Dave and Boris learn some practical tools about how to spread love to people who are hurting. Dave explains that people are like lightbulbs; sometimes lightbulbs are tricky and hard to fix, other times its easy. Sometimes people are tricky to love, other times kindness comes easy. But love is always a powerful choice!
Materials Required: pencil and paper
Age Group: Late Elementary/KS2
This lesson cross references the SEL Core Competency: 'Relationship Skills' from the CASEL 5.
This lesson cross-references with B-SS 2. and B-SS 4. from the ASCA Mindset and Behavior Standards.
CF2 the characteristics of friendships, including mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, trust, sharing interests and experiences and support with problems and difficulties.
RR2 practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships.
MW3 how to recognise and talk about their emotions, including having a varied vocabulary of words to use when talking about their own and others’ feelings.