What is hope, Boris?... In this episode Dave and Boris explore how to build hope over long periods of time. Dave helps Berenis navigate through disappointment while still maintaining a growth mindset and a sense of grit. In this lesson Children will learn self efficacy and how to use challenge as a way to feed perseverance.
Materials Required: pencil and paper
Age Group: Early Elementary/KS1
This lesson cross references the SEL Core Competency: 'Self-Awareness.'
This lesson cross-references with B-SMS 6. B-SMS 5. M 6. from the ASCA Mindset and Behavior Standards.
CF2: Caring Friendships - the characteristics of friendships, including mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, trust, sharing interests and experiences and support with problems and difficulties.
RR4: Respectful Relationships - the importance of self-respect and how this links to their own happiness.